Adblock WiFi — Ad blocker / block ads app for iPhone and iPad

4.7 ( 17 ratings )
Utilities Reference
Developer: Jennifer Hernandez
Current version: 1104725006, last update: 7 years ago
First release : 07 Sep 2016
App size: 17 Bytes

Mobile ads drive you mad?

Adblock Mobile Wi-Fi removes them all.
• Blocks ads in most apps and browsers, like Safari or Chrome
• Works on any Wi-Fi network

Our mission is to free mobile internet from annoying ads.

This update contains a lot of behind the scenes improvements and bug fixes. Let us know what you think about it at and dont forget to rate the app, it helps other people to discover the magic of #nomoreads!

Usually Adblock WiFi — Ad blocker / block ads iOS app used & searched for

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